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April 2024

  • Fusion Blog Image July 2024

    Servion Lending Conference Rebranding to Fusion 24: New Location, New Energy, Enhanced Experience

    The annual Servion Lending Conference is rebranding as Fusion, promising innovation and enhanced value for attendees in the lending industry. Held at the JW Marriott at the Mall of America in Bloomington, MN, from November 6-8, 2024, Fusion will offer expanded program offerings, diverse discussions, and networking opportunities. With a focus on entertainment and fun, Fusion aims to set a new standard for industry events.


  • Partner Update Blog 2024

    The Servion Group's Partner Update - 2024

    Join us as we celebrate new alliances and applaud existing partners expanding their mortgage channels to enhance borrower service. Explore the journey with us and unleash the power of collaboration.


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