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Mortgage Industry

  • Disaster Recovery Blog

    Disaster Recovery Assistance

    If you have been affected by a disaster, here are some options and resources for you. Mortgage assistance is available to customers affected by a disaster.


  • Whos Who In The Mortgage Process Blog Image 800X400

    Who's Who in the Mortgage Process?

    Embark on your homeownership journey encountering various mortgage and real estate experts—some in person, others via email or phone. Each plays a vital role in guiding you toward the entrance of your dream home.


  • What Goes Into A Mortgage Payment Blog 800 X 400 Px

    What Goes Into a Mortgage Payment?

    Monthly mortgage payments involve more than a loan repayment. They encompass Principal, Interest, Taxes, and Insurance (PITI), shaping your financial commitment.


  • Five Tips To Help Build Better Credit 800 X 400 Px

    5 Tips to Help Build Better Credit

    Building a financially stable life is akin to constructing a house; a solid foundation, including good credit, facilitates loan qualification, favorable interest rates, and better credit terms. Follow these five tips to enhance your credit score effectively.


  • Partner Update Blog Image

    The Servion Group's Partner Update - October 2023

    We're excited to extend a warm welcome to our latest partners and to celebrate our existing partners who are broadening their offerings through Servion.


  • Sue Woodard Blog Image

    A Survivor's Guide to Thriving in Today's Mortgage Business

    Day 1 of the 2023 Servion Lending Conference featured speaker Sue Woodard, a seasoned mortgage industry expert. Sue's engaging presentation drew parallels between survival shows and the ever-changing landscape faced by mortgage professionals post-refinance boom. She stressed the importance of taking proactive steps for success, introducing the "Seven Essential Elements for Survival This Year (and Beyond)." Explore her insights for navigating the evolving lending industry.


  • Housing Outlook Blog Post

    Exploring the U.S. Macro and Housing Outlook at the Servion Lending Conference

    At the 2023 Servion Lending Conference, Leonidas Mourelatos, Director of Real Estate Economics at Arch Capital Group, delivered a keynote address on the U.S. Macro and Housing Outlook. He discussed five crucial industry questions, providing valuable insights into the thoughts of economists and homeowners, as well as associated risks.


  • Human Element Mortgage Blog

    Why The Human Element Is One Piece of the Residential Mortgage Industry That Isn’t Going Anywhere

    In a world saturated by technology and automation, the human touch remains a crucial aspect of every industry, especially in the residential mortgage industry when individuals are making one of the biggest financial decisions of their lives.


  • Common Home Buying Myths Blog

    Debunking Common Home Buying Myths: Making Informed Decisions

    Buying a home is a significant milestone that many aspire to achieve. However, misconceptions and myths can cloud the home buying process, leading potential buyers to believe that certain barriers stand in their way. At The Servion Group, we believe in empowering individuals and partners with accurate information to make informed decisions. Here, we aim to debunk some common home buying myths, such as the belief that a 20% down payment is mandatory and that a perfect credit score is an absolute requirement.


  • Lending Conference 2023 Web Image

    Evolve, Adapt, Thrive: Navigating the Lending Transformation - Lending Conference 2023

    Join us as we unveil a transformative journey, guided by our theme: "Evolve, Adapt, Thrive: Navigating the Lending Transformation."


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