Published on June 14, 2023
Written by The Servion Group
We recently went through an exercise with our leadership team, asking the question, “What are the values you saw alive in Servion in the last year?” The idea for starting off a regular monthly meeting with this question was to connect us to each other and then to a shared purpose. What came from that question was more than a great list of values in action. We realized that leadership’s collective desire to lean into our values and intentionally use the set as our guide was impactful for getting us through tricky economic times and continuously paving the path for a sustainable and powerful future.
Organizational values act as guiding principles and create a powerful framework for decision-making. They shape the way organizations operate and interact with one another. They form cultures and define who a company is. When leaders embody and consistently exemplify the organization's values, it strengthens the connection between employees and the organization. Leaders who actively demonstrate and live the values they embrace inspire trust and foster a sense of purpose among their teams.
At Servion, the first week an employee joins the company, Brad Crandall, Servion’s CEO onboards each employee one-on-one and face-to-face to share his personal story and learn about the new individual joining the team. This creates a personal connection and sets the employee up for a successful onboarding process and overall time at the organization.
At Servion, we value serving with passion. When our leaders embody this value, our employees witness firsthand the importance of going above and beyond to serve customers. It becomes a part of our DNA, and our teams become empowered to consistently exceed customer expectations through the passion they have. The alignment of leader values with the organizational values not only amplifies the impact of our culture but also sets the stage for long-term success. Everyone at Servion is extremely passionate about what they do, and you can see that come through when serving clients and each other.
Servion’s values – embracing change, serving with passion, putting people first, and confidence – they create an environment where our employees feel valued and empowered. We’ve seen it lead to increased job satisfaction, higher levels of commitment, and enhanced productivity.
Employees who observe leaders living their values become inspired to do the same. They find purpose in their work, align their efforts with the organization's values and take ownership of their roles. This cycle of values-driven leadership and motivated employees creates a positive work culture that attracts top talent, fosters innovation and drives organizational success.
We are proud of the culture we have built at Servion through a combination of our organizational values and those of our leaders that has propelled Servion's growth, fostered a positive work culture and set Servion up for excellence.