Free Home Buying & Selling Seminars
Our online webinars are FREE, educational, and hosted by our experienced real estate pros.
Are you a potential home buyer or seller?
If you're thinking about buying or selling a home this year, our webinars will help you understand:
The buying process, including a mortgage preapproval, how to sell a home with the least market time and highest sales price, how to work with a Realtor®, home inspections, the closing process and more!
Free Home Buying Seminars/Webinars
Check back later for home buying webinars!
Free Home Selling Seminars/Webinars
Check back later for home selling webinars!
Our Blog | Nov 12, 2020
How PMI and Credit Scores Are Linked
Everyone knows credit scores are important for getting a mortgage, but did you know they affect mortgage insurance premiums, too?
Our Blog | Oct 15, 2020
5 Tips to Help Build Better Credit
Get smart about credit with these five basic credit-building tips.
Our Blog | Aug 11, 2020
4 Ways Home Buying May Have Changed Forever
COVID-19 has changed a lot of things, including the way people buy homes. Here are a few things everyone may need to adapt to.