The CUSO with a National Reach and a Local Feel
By Credit Unions, for Credit Unions
The Servion Group is a credit union service organization (CUSO) founded in the Midwest and partnering with credit unions across the country. We are owned by a group of approximately 50 Minnesota credit unions and partner with more than 500 credit unions around the U.S. Our teams, from executives to hourly employees, understand credit union philosophies and we’re committed to helping these institutions make a bigger and better impact on their members.
How We Support Credit Union Growth

Diverse solutions for diverse needs

Member-focused service orientation
We’re committed to providing the same exceptional service that credit unions provide to every member who walks through the door. Everything is member-centric.

High-tech, high-touch approach
We’ve invested in leading technology platforms that make working with us easy and productive. But there’s no substitute for the personal touch, and our people are always ready to help.